








You're concerned about infections...

e're concerned about infection control



For an infection to occur, three conditions must exist simultaneously:


                           1.  Virulent disease-causing microbes must exist.


                           2.  There must be a way for these microbes to get inside the body.


                           3.  You must be a suitable host.



Unless all three conditions exist, you will not be infected.



                     At Dr. Jusino's office, the most recent Infection Control Guidelines from


                     the American Association of Orthodontists are followed.  We believe that


                     all procedures to protect our patients and ourselves should be based on


                     valid scientific documentations.  It has been recognized that the practice


                     of orthodontics, unlike most of dentistry, involves frequent patient contact


                     and NON-INVASIVE procedures (treatment that does not cause bleeding).


                     As a result of the nature of orthodontic procedures, some of the infection


                     control techniques available to our office may be different from what you


                     see at your regular dental office.  These techniques are based upon "state


                     of the art" information, and have been carefully considered by recognized


                     experts in the field of infection control.



                     Dr. Jusino and the All Star Team practice "Universal Precautions," which


                     means that we treat every patient as infectious, whether he or she is infected


                     or not. 



                     We STERILIZE all instruments used in the office, utilizing both heat and


                     chemical sterilization to destroy forms of microbial life.



                     We DISINFECT all other items used during your appointment that were not


                      used inside the mouth with chemical disinfectants.



                      All Clinical Staff use ANTIMICROBIAL HAND SOAP.  All Clinical Staff


                      use a NEW PAIR OF GLOVES for each patient.



                      We use appropriate BARRIER TECHNIQUES for an orthodontic office. 


                      The use of gowns or uniforms, masks and eyewear are not always necessary,


                      but will be worn during special procedures, such as the removal of braces, or


                      when using the high speed drill.



                      We have been VACCINATED against Hepatitis B., therefore, we cannot


                      contract this infection or pass it on to you.



                      We believe the CONTINUOUS EDUCATION of our staff will allow us


                      to always answer any of your questions.




                     Call today for a Free Exam (248) 476-3000


Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in response to Covid 19 is available to Dr. Jusino   and the All Star Team